Gebruik van 'command line parameters' (Exporteer een lijst /tree)
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Export a file list:
[Introduced in IsoBuster 2.8.5]
This command allows you to build a file and folder list from a folder or an entire file system. It takes parameters (tokens) as input that define the layout of the content that is written to the file
/tree:[FileSystem:][File or folder name (relative path) |][destination path and filename][?Custom string with tokens/variables]
[FileSystem:] codes are described for command /fs
This command however will only accept file system codes that are exactly 3 characters long
For any other file system code (but not excluding the 3 character file system codes) use the /fs command in combination with this command
[?Custom string with tokens/variables] can be any string with following tokens / tags / variables that are replaced by their respective values:
if [?Custom string with tokens/variables] is nothing but a pure number, e.g. ?6 the corresponding GUI MenuItem will be used as string, beit an embedded list or a custom added list.
{%} type tokens / tags are used as commands
<%> type tokens are simply replaced by the content they refer to. These type tokes can sit nested inside {%} ... {%} constructions
Tags used as commands. They should be put in the beginning of the string: [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
PS. there is also a GUI variant of the /tree command that supports a few extra commands that are only relevant for the GUI implementation
{%UTF7} // Create a UTF-7 formatted text as opposed to the default UTF-16 (not recommended)
{%UTF8} // Create a UTF-8 formatted text as opposed to the default UTF-16
{%ASCII} // Create an ASCII formatted text as opposed to the default UTF-16
{%ANSI} // Create a system installed ANSI-codepage formatted text as opposed to the default UTF-16
{%UTF16} // Create a UTF-16 (Little Endian) formatted text (redundant since that is the default already) [Introduced in IsoBuster 5.3]
{%UTF16BE} // Create a UTF-16 (Big Endian) formatted text [Introduced in IsoBuster 5.3]
{%NOBOM} // Default, a BOM (Byte Order Mark) is always written using UTF8, UTF16 BE or UTF16 (the default). To avoid this, {%NOBOM} is required [Introduced in IsoBuster 5.3]
{%XML} // Format text per the XML standard when necessary. Practially speaking this means that ampersands (&) in variable data (<%>) are replaced with & and suggested file extensions are *.xml. For safety of text shown inside attributes [and since IsoBuster 4.2], both the single quote and double quote inside variable data (<%>) are converted as well to ' and " respectively. Also, '<' and '>' characters are replaced by < and > to avoid conflicts with XML syntax. All latter replacements (except the '&') can be turned off again.
{%DFXML} // Same as {%XML} (so no need to combine the two), but also forces Time and Date to be displayed in the ISO 8601 standard, so no need to also use {%ISO8601}. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
{%ASQ} // Allow Signle Quotes. This is only checked when {%XML} or { %DFXML} are set. For instance when all attributes in the template are double quoted, single quotes can be allowed inside them. (This is done for instance in IsoBuster 4.2 for its embedded XML and DFXML report). [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
{%ADQ} // Allow Double Quotes. This is only checked when {%XML} or { %DFXML} are set. For instance when no file names will be shown inside attributes, only inside elements. (This is done for instance in IsoBuster 4.2 for its embedded DFXML report}. Even though double quotes are not allowed in Windows file systems' file and folder names, they are allowed in Mac and Linux file systems. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
{%A>} // Allow the > character. This is only checked when {%XML} or { %DFXML} are set, because in that case, the > character is replaced by its unicode code point (>), to not conflict with XML syntax. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
{%A<} // Allow the < character. This is only checked when {%XML} or { %DFXML} are set, because in that case, the < character is replaced by its unicode code point (<), to not conflict with XML syntax. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
{%FOLDERS} // Also list folder objects with their properties (default off, although can be turned on in the GUI)
{%NOFOLDERS} // Don't list folder objects with their properties (this is the default but it can be turned on in the GUI - This option overrules the GUII)
{%EXTENTS} // Also list individual extents with their properties (default this is always off), every file, folder or stream has at least one extent, however this command ignores folder extents. Extents via this command are shown right after their 'parent'
{%EXTENTS+} // Same as {%EXTENTS} but also lists extents for folders
{%STREAMS} // Also list the object's associated streams with their properties (default this is always off). Streams are show right after their parent object (which is a file or folder)
{%BLOCKS} // Show all blocks for the object, block per block, or combined in a range, after the object. But only for single-range objects, namely Extents, since other objects can be split into multiple extents, so multiple ranges. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
{%BLOCKSINRANGES} // Use together with {%BLOCKS} or <%BLOCKLOOP>. It forces blocks to be shown in ranges rather than block per block and one can hence use <%LBA> - <%LASTLBA> or <%LBA>, <%BLOCKS> etc. Ranges are accumulated per extent and per readable / unreadable range. A range ends when the readable status changes. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
{%ONLYUNREADABLE} // Only lists objects that are deemed (partially) unreadable. On media with no read errors the resulting list will be empty. Do this after a scan, after checking files, after a surface scan or search for missing files and folders, to make sure IsoBuster knows the status of the files to start with. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
{%ONLYREADABLE} // Only lists objects that are deemed (fully) readable. Do this after a scan, after checking files, after a surface scan or search for missing files and folders, to make sure IsoBuster knows the status of the files to start with. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
{%ONLYUNREADABLEBLOCKS} // Only lists blocks that areunreadable. On media with no read errors the resulting list will be empty. Do this after a scan, after checking files, after a surface scan or search for missing files and folders, to make sure IsoBuster knows the status of the blocks to start with. Only used for {%BLOCKS} or <%BLOCKLOOP> [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
{%ONLYREADABLEBLOCKS} // Only lists blocks that are readable. Do this after a scan, after checking files, after a surface scan or search for missing files and folders, to make sure IsoBuster knows the status of the files to start with. Only used for {%BLOCKS} or <%BLOCKLOOP> [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
{%SELF} // When you build a list, starting from an object, that object itself is not included in the list. By using {%SELF} you made sure that the object is also included. This way root folder information can be obtained (e.g. its extents) when starting from a file system.
{%ONLYSELF} // Same as {%SELF} and does not list files and folders that reside in the object (if the object is a folder or file system), so it is even more limiting than {%FLAT} [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
{%FLAT} // Only lists the firt level of files and folders in the object. It prevents from going deep, drilling down on subfolders [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.3]
Default the time used via <%DATE>, <%TIME> and <%DATETIME> is the same time/date as shown in IsoBuster, based on its settings.
Following commands change this behaviour. The time / date exported to the list is then per following commands:
{%GMT} or {%UTC} // All times and dates will be in GMT. The in-file-system-stored time and time-zone converted to GMT
{%RT} // Recorded Time. The in-file-system-stored time without taking in account any (possible) in-file-system-stored Time Zone, nor the System Time zone. <%TZ> will of course still provide the Time-Zone
{%LT} // Local (or relative) Time. The in-file-system-stored time and time-zone converted to the local time (taking in account local time-zone and daylight saving time) (This is also the default GUI setting in IsoBuster)
{%ISO8601} // Time and Date will be formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
{%ISO8601(D)} // (only) Date will be formatted according to the ISO 8601 standard: YYYY-MM-DD [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
{%DATETIME(NA)=EMPTY} // Some objects don't have a time/data property and default "N/A" is returned in such cases. Use this command to force this to an empty string instead. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.3]
{%HEADER} // Any text before this tag will be displayed before the list is built, <%> type tags that are not bound to an object can be used in the header text
{%FOOTER} // Any text after this tag will be displayed after the list is built, <%> type tags that are not bound to an object can be used in the footer text
After all above commands are stripped from the input string, the actal string that is used to build the list remains. This string can be split up however, to have different strings for file, folder, extent and/or stream:
Any remaining text before any of below commands is used as generic text and is the start for all four types (file, folder, extent, stream). Any text after an unknown command, for instance simply {%} will be appended as generic to all four types.
{%FILE} // Starts the string specific for a file, and stops when the next command is encountered
{%FOLDER} // Starts the string specific for a folder, and stops when the next command is encountered
{%EXTENT} // Starts the string specific for an extent, and stops when the next command is encountered
(%STREAM} // Starts the string specific for a stream, and stops when the next command is encountered
(%BLOCK} // Starts the string specific for a single block (or range of blocks), and stops when the next command is encountered. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
{%EXTENTLOOP} // Starts the string specific for an extent, used via <%EXTENTLOOP>, and stops when the next command is encountered. This allows you to show text for all extents inside the text for your object, see: <%EXTENTLOOP>.
{%STREAMLOOP} // Starts the string specific for a stream, used via <%STREAMLOOP>, and stops when the next command is encountered. This allows you to show text for all streams inside the text for your object, see: <%STREAMLOOP>
{%BLOCKLOOP} // Starts the string specific for a single block, used via <%BLOCKLOOP>, and stops when the next command is encountered. This allows you to show text for all blocks inside the text for your object, see: <%BLOCKLOOP> [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
For Example, this string: {%EXTENTS}{%FOLDERS}< {%FILE} <%NAME>{%FOLDER}<%RELPATH>{%EXTENT} <%LBA> - <%LASTLBA> {%}>{%FILE} <!--File-->
and assume a folder object, with one file object, will result in this:
< filename > <!--File-->
< 100 - 200 >
Tags tied to an object. These tags are replaced by the content they represent:
Important, since IsoBuster 4.1 some <%> tags have slightly changed meaning. In particular formatted vs. unformatted.
From now on, any numerical value is always unformatted. The full number without decorations.
Values that have a formatted variant as well, contain text (F) in the tag.
In particular, tags <%BLOCKS> and <%BYTES> have changed to default unformatted values.
The old style <%BLOCKSUNF> and <%BYTESUNF> tags have been retired
It is best that you review your scripts and make changes if/where necessary. If you really must use a quick fix, use command {%V1}
to revert to the old style again. It is best not to do this and suffer the short pain reviewing older implementations instead.
<%LBA> // Logical block address (unformatted. e.g. 21, 7972, 304554021 etc.)
<%LBA(F)> // Logical block address, formatted (e.g. 21 or 7.972 or 304.554.021 or ...) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%LASTLBA> // Last block address of a file (unformatted. e.g. 21, 7972, 304554021 etc.)
<%LASTLBA(F)> // Last block address of a file, formatted (e.g. 21 or 7.972 or 304.554.021 or ...) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%LBABYTEOFFSET> // Same as <%LBA> but translated to Bytes (Basically <%LBA> times <%BLOCKSIZE>) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%LBABYTEOFFSET(F)> // Same as <%LBABYTEOFFSET> but formatted (e.g. 21 or 7.972 or 304.554.021 or ...) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%BLOCKS> // Number of blocks in a file, unformatted (e.g. 33 or 9475 or ...)
<%BLOCK(F)> // Number of blocks in a file, formatted (e.g. 33 or 9.475 or ...) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%OBJECTS> // Number of objects in a folder (files + subfolders), unformatted [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.5]
<%OBJECTS(F)> // Number of objects in a folder (files + subfolders), formatted [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.5]
<%FULLPATH> // Full path (e.g. d:\files\file1.txt)
<%RELPATH> // Relative path (e.g. \files\file1.txt)
<%FILE> // File (e.g. \file1.txt)
<%NAME> // The name of the object (similar to FILE, but also works for file extents)
<%SIZE> // Size of the file, formatted, including KB, MB, GB or whatever is relevant (e.g. 1.4 KB or 2,3 MB or 300 Bytes or ..)
<%BYTES> // Size in bytes only, unformatted (e.g. 300 or 2345 or 44555000 or ...
<%BYTES(F)> // Size in bytes only, formatted (e.g. 300 or 2.345 or 44,555,000 or ...) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%TOTSIZE> // Total Size (includes any streams that may be attached) of the file, formatted (e.g. 1.4 KB or 2,3 MB or 300 Bytes or ..) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%TOTBYTES> // Total Size (includes any streams that may be attached)in bytes only, unformatted (e.g. 300 or 2345 or 44555000 or ... [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%TOTBYTES(F)> // Total Size (includes any streams that may be attached)in bytes only, formatted (e.g. 300 or 2.345 or 44,555,000 or ...) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%TIMEDATE> // Time and date, formatted (e.g. 28/12/2005 23:22:42 or 12/28/2005 23:22:42 or ...) (Modified time and date)
<%TIMEDATETZ> // Same as <%TIMEDATE> but the Time Zone is appended as well. Works for UTC, GMT (Time Zone will then be 0) and RT formatted times (Recorded Time Zone), not for LT formatted time. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
<%TIME> // Time , formatted (e.g. 23:22:42) (Modified time)
<%DATE> // Date, formatted (e.g. 28/12/2005 or 12/28/2005 or ...) (Modified date)
<%GMT> or <%TZ> // Time Zone, difference from GMT (e.g. GMT -08:00). This is always the recorded time zone. So only use to calculate a time in combination with RT formatted times.
<%ATTRIB> // The attributes (e.g. R or RHA or ..)
<%ATTRIB(U)> // The attributes but Uniform accross selected UI languages to be able to export and import language independent. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.5]
<%OFFSET> // The offset in the first block of the file or extent (e.g. 0 or 348 or 512 or 1024 or ...)
<%OFFSET(F)> // The formatted offset in the first block of the file or extent (e.g. 0 or 348 or 512 or 1.024 or...)
<%%> // Percentage of blocks the object is readable (as is known at this moment) [Introduced in IsoBuster 3.8]
<%TOT%> // Percentage of blocks the object is readable (as is known at this moment) (includes any streams that may be attached) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%%(F)> // Percentage of blocks the object is readable (as is known at this moment). Floating point, two digits behind the comma [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%TOT%(F)> // Percentage of blocks the object is readable (as is known at this moment) (includes any streams that may be attached). Floating point, two digits behind the comma [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%BR> // Line Break [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%TAB> // Tab character [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.3]
<%EXTENTS> // Number of extents (1 if contiguous, more than 1 if fragmented) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%STREAMS> // Number of streams attached to the object [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%BADBLOCKS> // Number of bad blocks (unformatted (e.g. 33 or 9475 or ...)) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%BADBLOCKS(F)> // Number of bad blocks (formatted (e.g. 33 or 9.475 or ...)) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%TOTBADBLOCKS> // Number of bad blocks (unformatted (e.g. 33 or 9475 or ...)) (includes any streams that may be attached) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%TOTBADBLOCKS(F)> // Number of bad blocks (formatted (e.g. 33 or 9.475 or ...)) (includes any streams that may be attached) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%READABLE> // Returns 1 if all blocks in the object are considered readable, 0 if one or more blocks are unreadable (potentionally faster than testing <%BADBLOCKS>) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%TOTREADABLE> // Returns 1 if all blocks in the object are considered readable, 0 if one or more blocks are unreadable (potentionally faster than testing <%BADBLOCKS>) (includes any streams that may be attached) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%UID> // Every file / folder has a Unique ID, in context of its File System, so unique may not always be so unique, for various reasons. Usually it's the LBA but for NTFS it is the MFT index, for UDF the File Entry (FE), for HFS and MFS the Inode
<%UID(F)> // Same as <%UID> but formatted (text decorations), for instance 23.458.074
<%UIC> // Combination of unique text codes (seperated by "/") for every type base object (File, Folder, Stream, Extent and higher objects depending on the need) independent from language, for easy export and import functionality. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.5]
<%SUID> // Session Unique ID. Every object, be it a file, folder, additonal stream, extent, has a unique session ID. Session refers to the fact that next time you create a list of the same objects, the SUID may be different for every object, but every object will have a unique ID. This is mainly to facilitate advanced linking in databases etc. This way you can import the xml in MS Access (for instance) and link extents back to their parent file or folder (object) and so on. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
<%PSUID> // Parent Session Unique ID. Same as SUID but that of the parent of current object. So you can use an object's PSUID (for instance an extent) to find its parent file or folder in the list of objects. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
<%TYPE> // The type object. File types are usually based on the extension, but for HFS and MFS files it's based on the 4 byte type field. [Introduced in IsoBuster 3.4]
<%TYPE(U)> // The type but Uniform accross selected UI languages to be able to export and import language independent. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.5]
<%CREATOR> // Who created the object. For files and folders this information comes from the File System if the file system stores this information. For HFS and MFS it's based on the 4 byte Creator field
Information about the target object's drive / device
<%DEVICE> // The name of the device. E.g. the name of the HDD, DVD drive or USB stick [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%DEVICEPATH> // IF the device is actually an image file, this tag shows the image filename [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%DEVICEFILESIZE> // IF the device is actually an image file, this tag shows the size in bytes of the entire image (all parts accumulated) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%DEVICEFILESIZE(F)> // Same as <%DEVICEFILESIZE> but formatted (text decorations) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%DEVICEBLOCKSIZE> // The block size (Sector size), in bytes, of the <%DEVICE>. E.g. 512, 2048, 4096, ... [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%DEVICEBLOCKS> // The amount of blocks present on the <%DEVICE> or media inside the device (i.e optical) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%DEVICEBLOCKS(F)> // Same as <%DEVICEBLOCKS> but formatted (text decorations) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%DEVICETYPE> // Returns "Image File" when working from an image file. Returns the type media (CD, DVD, BD, DVD+RW etc.) on optical media or the the type media (Hard Disk, ...) on other media
Partition / Session information (Sessions are only relevant in optical media (CD, DVD, BD) where Partitions are irrelevant)
<%PARTITIONLBA> // The start address of the Partition or Session this file system / folder is located in [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%PARTITIONLBA(F)> // Same as <%PARTITIONLBA> but formatted (text decorations) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%PARTITIONBLOCKS> // The amount of blocks the Partition or Session, this file system / folder is located in, occupies [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%PARTITIONBLOCKS(F)> // Same as <%PARTITIONBLOCKS> but formatted (text decorations) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%PARTITIONLBABYTEOFFSET> // Same as <%PARTITIONLBA> but translated to Bytes (Basically <%PARTITIONLBA> times <%BLOCKSIZE>) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%PARTITIONLBABYTEOFFSET(F)> // Same as <%PARTITIONLBABYTEOFFSET> but formatted (text decorations) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
Following works independent from {%EXTENTS} and {%STREAMS} and uses the {%EXTENTLOOP} / {%STREAMLOOP} strings or {%EXTENT} / {%STREAM} strings if the former are not available, or the generic string as last resort.
<%EXTENTLOOP> // Show all Extents nested inside the text for the object being processed. For instance Extents for a file, folder or stream. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%STREAMLOOP> // Show all Streams nested inside the text for the object being processed. For instance Streams for a file or folder. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%BLOCKLOOP> // Show all blocks nested inside the text for the object being processed. For instance blocks for an extent. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%INDEX> // Only works on objects shown via <%EXTENTLOOP> or <%STREAMLOOP> [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
Tags tied to text, not an object, used before (header) and after (footer) the list is built: [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.1]
<%XMLHEADER> // An XML style header
<%SYSTIMEDATE> // Current System Time and date, formatted (e.g. 28/12/2005 23:22:42 or 12/28/2005 23:22:42 or ...)
<%SYSTIMEDATETZ> // Same as <%SYSTIMEDATE> but the Time Zone is appended as well. Works for UTC, GMT (Time Zone will then be 0) and RT formatted times, not for LT formatted time. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
<%SYSTIME> // Current System Time , formatted (e.g. 23:22:42)
<%SYSDATE> // Current System Date, formatted (e.g. 28/12/2005 or 12/28/2005 or ...)
<%SYSTIMELAPSED> // Time elapsed since the start of building the list. Using this tag also resets the snapshot. So if you use it in the header, the elapsed time will be that of the pre-processing, and if next used in the footer, it will be purely of the building of the list, excluding any preprocessing. So to get the time of the full process, only use in the footer.
<%SYSTIMELAPSEDSEC> // Same as <%SYSTIMELAPSED> but in seconds
<%SYSTIMELAPSEDSEC(F)> // Same as <%SYSTIMELAPSEDSEC> but formatted (text decorations)
<%SYSTIMELAPSEDNANOSEC> // Same as <%SYSTIMELAPSED> but in nano-seconds
<%SYSTIMELAPSEDNANOSEC(F)> // Same as <%SYSTIMELAPSEDNANOSEC> but formatted (text decorations)
<%TSNSHT> // Stores the internally managed time snapshot at the moment this tag is processed on a line (use with <%TSNSHRESET>) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
<%TSNSHRESET> // Resets the internally managed time snapshot at the moment this tag is processed on a line (use with <%TSNSHT>). For instance if you want to display the time it took to process a part of a line, first use <%TSNSHT> and at the end of the bit you're timing <%TSNSHTRESET>, next call one of the <%TIFTC_SYSTIMELAPSED> tags to display the time spent. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.2]
<%APP> // Application name ("IsoBuster")
<%VERS> // Application version (e.g. "")
<%CNT> // Amount of objects added to the list
<%USER> // Windows User
<%OS> // OS version
Tags to display properties and text conditionally. Available since IsoBuster 4.4
<%IF> // Starts a conditional text. Must be linked to a <%DO> and <%ENDIF> to work. <%ELSE> is optional. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%DO> // When the condition is met, anything behind this tag (up to <%ELSE> or <%ENDIF>) is displayed. Can contain any text or Tags, including nested conditional text [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%ELSE> // When the condition is not met, anything behind this tag (up to <%ENDIF>) is displayd Can contain any text or Tags, including nested conditional text [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%ENDIF> // Ends the condition [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
// The test is done by comparing a text and a tag. Both the text and tag must reside between the <%IF> and <%DO> tags.
// Tests, default, are string compares they are case sensitive
// For instance: <%IF><%TIME>N/A<%DO><%ELSE><%TIME><%ENDIF> // If time is "N/A" nothing is displayed (instead of N/A), otherwise the time is displayed
// For instance: {%BLOCKSINRANGES}{%BLOCKS}{%BLOCK}<%LBA> <%IF><%READABLE>1<%DO>is readable<%ELSE> is unreadable<%ENDIF> // Listing blocks telling you they''re readable or not
Following Tags are only considered when they are located between <%IF> and <%DO>
<%CI> // Makes the test Case Insensitive. // For instance: <%IF><%CI><%TIME>N/A<%DO><%ELSE><%TIME><%ENDIF> will work on both "N/A" and "n/a" [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%WC> // Makes the test consider wildards in the test text. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%RE> // Makes the test use regular expressions. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
Following Tags are only considered when they are located between <%IF> and <%DO> and they change the nature of the test.
When any of these tags is present between <%IF> and <%DO> the string compare is replaced by a numerical compare.
IsoBuster then does its best to convert text and tag output to 64 bit unsigned integers, and compares those per below tags.
You can put text before tag between <%IF> and <%DO> but IsoBuster always tests tag vs text internally, in that order.
<%=> // Tag and text (both converted) match. [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%>> // Tag (converted) is bigger than text (converted) (No matter the order of text and tag in the string) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%<> // Tag (converted) is smaller than text (converted) (No matter the order of text and tag in the string) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%>=> // Tag (converted) is bigger than or equal to text (converted) (No matter the order of text and tag in the string) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
<%<=> // Tag (converted) is smaller than or equal to text (converted) (No matter the order of text and tag in the string) [Introduced in IsoBuster 4.4]
// For instance: <%IF><%BLOCKS><%>>1<%DO>more than 1 blocks<%ELSE>just one block<%ENDIF>
Beware that % is a special character in batch files, so make sure to escape it with another %, in other words use %% instead of % inside batch files.
isobuster.exe /scan /t:all "/tree:all:k:\export\S<%SI>T<%TI>FS<%FI>(<%FT>)(<%FN>).txt?{'Simple List'}Start Time: <%SYSTIMEDATE>{%HEADER}<%LBA>, <%RELPATH>, <%BYTES>{%FOOTER}End Time: <%SYSTIMEDATE>"
isobuster.exe /scan /t:all /fs:all "/tree:k:\export\S<%SI>T<%TI>FS<%FI>(<%FT>)(<%FN>).txt?{'Simple List'}Start Time: <%SYSTIMEDATE>{%HEADER}<%LBA>, <%RELPATH>, <%BYTES>{%FOOTER}End Time: <%SYSTIMEDATE>"
isobuster.exe /scan /t:all /fs:ntfs "/tree:k:\export\S<%SI>T<%TI>FS<%FI>(<%FT>)(<%FN>).txt?<%LBA>, <%RELPATH>, <%BYTES>"