ISO Bestandssysteem instellingen (Tekst Conversies)
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Text Conversions :
In the ISO9660 file-system (the red ISO icon next to the root folder), texts are still stored using SBCS or MBCS characters.
SBCS (Single Byte Character Set) and MBCS (Multi Byte Character Set) text decoding
is based on system installed 'Code Pages'. These Code pages tell the OS but also IsoBuster
how to decode the text strings before displaying them on screen. For Latin character texts there really is no problem,
but for other character texts this often poses difficulties (e.g. Far and Middle East Asia and Europe).
The code page selection feature is there for the following reason :
Some CD Mastering Applications use the ANSI Code page to encode texts in the ISO file system where others use the OEM code page.
Again, for Latin texts no problem, but for some languages (typically texts where more than one byte per character is needed)
decoding then needs to be done using the same code page (which is not recorded on the CD).
If not the same code page is used then, some characters cannot be displayed properly.
Real life situations encountered, reported by Russian users, using Russian CDs on Russian systems but it's likely these
problems can also occur in the Far and Middle East. Hence this 'neat' feature (in the Options).
This problem does not exist in File Systems using Unicode (e.g. Joliet).
Code Page Selection : Select the Code Page you want to use to decode the texts or enter one yourself.
This option is really only useful for experienced power users.
Scan options (normal mounting of discs)
Mac properties and extraction methods
Write software specific options